1. As of June 1, 2012 am no longer a missionary with Mission to Unreached Peoples (MUP). That means I will not have a sending organization or a means to receipt donations. This might change in the future but for now I will be an independent missionary. I also consider myself a tent maker type missionary. Over the years my support originally being primarily from supporters in the U.S. shifted to being primarily from tent making acitivities. Due to that Holy Spirit led and planned shift I have not been affected by the economic problems in the U.S. and the exchange rate fluctuations. I am also able to share the gospel message in all of my tentmaking opportunities so I feel doubly blessed.
2. If you are looking for a missionary to Japan to support then I recommend to you my friend and brother Randy Balasky who is currently trying to raise support to be able to serve in Japan. 10-40window.